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Format a piece of code to copy it into an email, a pdf, a document, etc.


  output_format = c("word", "pdf", "html", "word_document", "pdf_document",
  browser = getOption("browser"),
  font_size = 12,
  code = TRUE,
  open = TRUE,
  font_path = get_fira_path(),
  word_template_path = get_word_template_path(),



a string representing the output format. The values "pdf", "html" or "word" and their knitr equivalent "pdf_document", "html_document" or "word_document" are accepted.


a string. The path to the browser which will open the generated file format


a numeric. The font size in pdf format.


a boolean. Should the copied content have to be inserted in R chunk or is it just text? Default is TRUE (so the copied content will be inserted in R chunk).


a boolean. Default is TRUE meaning that the document will open automatically after being generated.


a string. The path to the font used to render code chunks. It should link to a .ttf file. Only available in pdf format.


a string. The path to the word template file used when rendering with word. By default, the template used is the one included in the package. Only used with word output.


other arguments passed to R chunk (for example eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE...)


This function returns invisibly (with invisible()) a vector of length two with two element:

  • the path of the created rmarkdown (template) document (.Rmd)

  • the path of the created output (in the format .pdf, .docx or .html).


This function allows the user to generate formatted code (for email, document, copy, message, etc.) on the fly.

It accepts mainly word, pdf and html formats, but any format accepted by rmarkdown on the computer.

To use this function, simply copy a piece of code and run render_code() with the arguments that interest us. If you want content that is not R code, use the code argument to FALSE. In pdf format, you can change the font size using the font_size argument. Also, you can change the browser that opens the file by default with the browser argument.

With the argument ..., you can specify knitr arguments to be included in the chunk. For example, you can add eval = TRUE (if you want the R code to be evaluated (and the result displayed)), echo = FALSE (if you don't want to display the code)...

More information in the function opts_chunk or directly to see all available options and their descriptions.

If the open argument is set to FALSE then the browser argument will be ignored.


# Copy a snippet of code
if (clipr::clipr_available()) {
    clipr::write_clip("plot(AirPassengers)", allow_non_interactive = TRUE)

    output_format = "word",
    echo = TRUE
#> CLIPR_ALLOW has not been set, so clipr will not run interactively

    output_format = "html",
    eval = FALSE
#> CLIPR_ALLOW has not been set, so clipr will not run interactively

# \donttest{
    output = "pdf",
    eval = TRUE,
    font_size = 16
#> CLIPR_ALLOW has not been set, so clipr will not run interactively
# }